Friday, March 22, 2013

Screw Counting Calories!

It’s been a few days since I wrote my blog introducing my “Time for Change” and I must say that as each day passes, it gets easier and easier.  So what exactly have I done over the last week or so? A few simple things:

First and foremost, I had to be ready.  I had to get it in my head that I wanted to make these changes.  I also had to understand that there will be times when I may slip up, but that is okay.  Shit happens. 

Once I knew that this time would be the one, I started with the crap I’ve been putting in my body. 

I cut out:
  • Soda (including the extremely evil form of diet, which WILL be blogged about in the near future)
  • Breads
  • Pork (sorry bacon lovers)
  • Processed foods (Gone are most of the processed foods in our home with the exception of a few things that are leftover from previous trips to the grocery store)

Instead I started eating/drinking:
  • Organic vegetables
  • Organic fruits
  • Organic meats and fish
  • Gluten free or organic pasta
  • Flavored mineral water (to “replace” the soda)
  • Fresh orange juice
  • Water

Of course, this isn’t my full menu for every day, but here is a sample of what my day (foodwise) looks like:

  • Coffee
  • Small glass of OJ or Naked’s Green Machine
  • Organic yogurt with organic granola

  • Veggies with dressing on the side (Trader Joe’s has a fantastic organic hummus dressing that I highly recommend)
  • Organic corn chips and salsa

This is my favorite smoothie so far:  The Good Green ( 

The smoothies are a great way to add beneficial foods to your diet that you would not normally eat.  I will say that not all of the one’s I have tried so far are fantastic, but I have not thrown any down the sink either.  I chose the smoothies over juicing because I already own a blender, and it’s not in my budget to go out and purchase a juicer at the moment.  Someday I will get one, but in the meantime, this is working out fantastically! 

Dinner: (this is an example of one of this week’s dinners)
  • Grass-fed/Organic chicken thighs cooked in the crock pot with organic tomato sauce.
  • Gluten free/organic corn penne
  • Sauteed peppers

If I get hungry throughout the day, I have some trail mix on hand or grab some sliced cucumber or apple.

Since beginning this “hardcore” on Sunday, I have lost 4 lbs. Yes, you read that correctly…4 lbs in less than a week!!!!  I feel better. I don’t get the insane urge to nap in the middle of the afternoon.  And best of all, I rarely crave the crap food….instead, I have begun to crave the darn smoothies! 
I hope this gives everyone a good idea of where I am at so far!  

Coming soon, I will tackle the “it’s expensive” excuse and the evils of DIET drinks!  


  1. GOOOOOO LadyDie!! I found the same thing when I cut out grains, meat and started making my own juice. I found GREAT raw energy bars online at and That's what I eat when I'm hungry.

    1. Not a fan of online shopping, unless I have to. But thanks for the sites. xoxoxo

  2. Wow, you came over to my side!!! Unfortunately, because of my recent bowel problem, I had to give up any type of fiber, but smoothies are a great alternative. I usually make my own but I may have to check out some store bought ones for convenience. Also, regarding the gluten of the best pastas I've found is Tinkayada rice bran pastas. They come is a variety of forms and have a great taste and texture. Happy healthy eating!!!!

    1. The gluten free corn one I got from Trader Joe's was awesome! I have tried the rice ones in the past and didn't like them that much.

  3. Yay!!! Good for you Sweetie :) I battle my weight as well and cravings for junk food so I know how you feel... Keep up the great work!!!
