Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Five foot four and a hundred and ninety pounds

The only way to do this right and have it be beneficial to myself (and hopefully others) is to be 100% honest! 

Hi, my name is Krista, and I am unhealthy and overweight! 

One week ago, I changed my Facebook timeline photo at LadyDie’s World to say “Time For Change”.  I have told myself this many many times in the past, but I can be a master procrastinator and excuse maker.  However, this time I knew I had to stop making excuses and start changing some things in my life.

I never had a problem with being a bigger girl.  My huge boobs made sure that I would never be waif-like, and I am ok with that.  But when I got to the point where I was no longer comfortable in not only my clothing, but in my own body, I realized something has got to give (and hopefully not the seams of my pants).  So I started doing some research like reading different blogs, listening to personal stories of people I know as well as people I have been blessed to meet, and I (along with hubby) are on our way to a healthier life! 

I’m starting with healthier eating habits and as my energy builds, I am adding more movement into my life!  During my process, I will be writing what I have been eating, doing, and any progress I have been making.  It’s been an interesting first week so far, so stay tuned.


  1. Sounds like an awesome idea. Just one suggestion, start slow on adding extra fiber to your diet. You don't want to end up with a hairball stuck in places you don't want it to be stuck! Tee hee hee

    Love ya,

  2. I'm so proud of you, Tina! I agree with Marci, above. Start slow. Remember, it's a lifestyle (i.e. LIFETIME) change not just a temporary diet. Incorporate new and healthier foods one or two at a time. Eventually, you won't miss the bad foods and you especially will no longer crave them. Keep active. Take walks. Is there a gym nearby? Maybe they'll have some classes you'd like. If you slip up don't beat yourself up. Just keep going. If you have any fitness or nutrition questions feel free to ask me! Again, SO proud of you! <3

    1. Thanks guys. And this post is only the beginning. Believe me, we arent jumping in full force. Actually have been eating "differently" for about a week now and already feeling changes. This blog is going to be a daily thing (or every other day depending on what is going on) :)
